blob: 0c2026ec6b59d12cf448916ae3aae9cd8922913a [file] [log] [blame]
%{!?sources_gpg: %{!?dlrn:%global sources_gpg 1} }
%global sources_gpg_sign 0x2426b928085a020d8a90d0d879ab7008d0896c8a
%global with_doc %{!?_without_doc:1}%{?_without_doc:0}
%{!?upstream_version: %global upstream_version %{version}%{?milestone}}
# we are excluding some BRs from automatic generator
%global excluded_brs doc8 bandit pre-commit hacking flake8-import-order bashate
# Exclude sphinx from BRs if docs are disabled
%if ! 0%{?with_doc}
%global excluded_brs %{excluded_brs} sphinx openstackdocstheme
# Guard for rhosp for packages not supported in OSP
%global rhosp 0
# openstack-packstack ----------------------------------------------------------
Name: openstack-packstack
Epoch: 1
Version: XXX
Release: XXX
Summary: Openstack Install Utility
Group: Applications/System
License: ASL 2.0 and GPLv2
# Required for tarball sources verification
%if 0%{?sources_gpg} == 1
BuildArch: noarch
# Required for tarball sources verification
%if 0%{?sources_gpg} == 1
BuildRequires: /usr/bin/gpgv2
BuildRequires: openstack-macros
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: pyproject-rpm-macros
BuildRequires: git-core
Requires: openssh-clients
Requires: openstack-packstack-puppet == %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Packstack is a utility that uses Puppet modules to install OpenStack. Packstack
can be used to deploy various parts of OpenStack on multiple pre installed
servers over ssh.
# openstack-packstack-puppet ---------------------------------------------------
%package puppet
Summary: Packstack Puppet module
Group: Development/Libraries
# generated from packstack/Puppetfile:
# awk -F\' '/^mod / {print "Requires: puppet-" $2}' Puppetfile
Requires: puppet-aodh
Requires: puppet-ceilometer
Requires: puppet-cinder
Requires: puppet-glance
Requires: puppet-gnocchi
Requires: puppet-heat
Requires: puppet-horizon
Requires: puppet-ironic
Requires: puppet-keystone
Requires: puppet-manila
Requires: puppet-neutron
Requires: puppet-nova
Requires: puppet-openstack_extras
Requires: puppet-openstacklib
Requires: puppet-oslo
Requires: puppet-ovn
Requires: puppet-placement
Requires: puppet-swift
Requires: puppet-tempest
Requires: puppet-vswitch
Requires: puppet-apache
Requires: puppet-concat
Requires: puppet-firewall
Requires: puppet-inifile
Requires: puppet-memcached
Requires: puppet-mysql
Requires: puppet-nssdb
Requires: puppet-rabbitmq
Requires: puppet-redis
Requires: puppet-remote
Requires: puppet-rsync
Requires: puppet-ssh
Requires: puppet-stdlib
Requires: puppet-sysctl
Requires: puppet-vcsrepo
Requires: puppet-xinetd
%if 0%{rhosp} == 0
Requires: puppet-magnum
Requires: puppet-trove
%description puppet
Puppet module used by Packstack to install OpenStack
# openstack-packstack-doc ------------------------------------------------------
%if 0%{?with_doc}
%package doc
Summary: Documentation for Packstack
Group: Documentation
%description doc
This package contains documentation files for Packstack.
# Required for tarball sources verification
%if 0%{?sources_gpg} == 1
%{gpgverify} --keyring=%{SOURCE102} --signature=%{SOURCE101} --data=%{SOURCE0}
%autosetup -n packstack-%{upstream_version} -S git
# Sanitizing a lot of the files in the puppet modules
find packstack/puppet/modules \( -name .fixtures.yml -o -name .gemfile -o -name ".travis.yml" -o -name .rspec \) -exec rm {} +
find packstack/puppet/modules \( -name "*.py" -o -name "*.rb" -o -name "*.pl" \) -exec sed -i '/^#!/{d;q}' {} + -exec chmod -x {} +
find packstack/puppet/modules \( -name "*.sh" \) -exec sed -i 's/^#!.*/#!\/bin\/bash/g' {} + -exec chmod +x {} +
find packstack/puppet/modules -name site.pp -size 0 -exec rm {} +
find packstack/puppet/modules \( -name spec -o -name ext \) | xargs rm -rf
# Moving this data directory out temporarily as it causes to throw errors
rm -rf %{_builddir}/puppet
mv packstack/puppet %{_builddir}/puppet
sed -i /^[[:space:]]*-c{env:.*_CONSTRAINTS_FILE.*/d tox.ini
sed -i "s/^deps = -c{env:.*_CONSTRAINTS_FILE.*/deps =/" tox.ini
sed -i /^minversion.*/d tox.ini
sed -i /^requires.*virtualenv.*/d tox.ini
# Exclude some bad-known BRs
for pkg in %{excluded_brs}; do
for reqfile in doc/requirements.txt test-requirements.txt; do
if [ -f $reqfile ]; then
sed -i /^${pkg}.*/d $reqfile
# Automatic BR generation
%if 0%{?with_doc}
%pyproject_buildrequires -t -e %{default_toxenv},docs
%pyproject_buildrequires -t -e %{default_toxenv}
%if 0%{?with_doc}
%{__python3} build_sphinx -b man
# Delete tests
rm -fr %{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib}/tests
# Install Puppet module
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/openstack-puppet/modules
cp -r %{_builddir}/puppet/modules/packstack %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/openstack-puppet/modules/
# Move packstack documentation
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/packstack
install -p -D -m 644 docs/packstack.rst %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/packstack
# Move Puppet manifest templates back to original place
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{python3_sitelib}/packstack/puppet
mv %{_builddir}/puppet/templates %{buildroot}/%{python3_sitelib}/packstack/puppet/
%if 0%{?with_doc}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1
install -p -D -m 644 docs/build/man/*.1 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/
# Remove docs directory
rm -fr %{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib}/docs
%files puppet
%if 0%{?with_doc}
%files doc