.. toctree:: Service Plugins =============== The managesf server uses a plugin architecture to manage services. It means that services can be added and configured into Software Factory quite easily. Configuring services -------------------- Services that will be provided in Software Factory through managesf must be declared in the configuration file, in the "services" section, like so: .. code-block:: none services = [ 'SFGerrit', ] Each service has a dedicated configuration section. See below for more details, but keep in mind that for services shipped with Software Factory, the configuration is managed automatically when installing Software Factory's image and shouldn't be modified. Available services ------------------ SFGerrit ......... Gerrit code review service packaged within Software Factory by default. Authentication is managed by cauth. *configuration section:* gerrit ============================= ================================================= Option Description ============================= ================================================= user the gerrit user host the gerrit host url the gateway URL top_domain the FQDN for the Software Factory deployment ssh_port the ssh port Gerrit listens on sshkey_priv_path the path to Gerrit's private ssh key replication_config_path the path to the replication configuration ============================= ================================================= Writing a service plugin ------------------------ If you are writing your own plugin library, you need to declare your plugins in the entry points section of your library's setup.py, under the namespace "managesf.v2." where is the API endpoint you want to implement. The expected interface varies from endpoint to endpoint and can usually be found in managesf/api/v2/.